Terraria is a 2D action-adventure sandbox game that was released on May16, 2011. That is playable on a big majority of platforms. It an amazing game if you want to progress at your pace and explore the map. This game helps feeds the adventuring mine by allowing mobs to drop certain items when killed and having higher bosses or more difficult mobs drops be a lot rarer to get driving players to want to find more. There is also a good selection for character customization when you launch your world, it also supports online play so your able to join your friends in their world with any character you already have created or join their world with a new character. 

Minecraft is a well known 3D sandbox game that doesn’t truly have a goal for players allowing their creativity to run wild, from learning how to enchant tools and armor, learning how to make potions, exploring the ender world, even allowing builders to run wild and create whatever they so please. This game is also compatibly with mods so if you seek for more don’t worry there is mod to fit everyone’s need from auto organizing technology, dinosaurs, magic, even Dragons. Personally one of the best games to play casually as it allows you to play it at your pace not constantly being rushed to complete a goal. 

Stardew is a 2d role-playing game that was released on Windows in February 2016 then later released on other platforms. It is a casual farming simulator that take place in a town called Pelican Town. You are a farmer who inherits a a small plot of land and a small house from your grandfather. There is plenty to fit everyone needs from combat deep in the mines, farming crops, to even fishing. 

Slay the Spire is a rouge like game that was released in late 2017. Players are given characters who each start of with their own relics while also having cards they can unlock in the dungeon that are all fit that characters play style. From constantly applying poison, tick damage, big damage, defense. You choose what path you would like to follow, from challenging mobs, fighting bosses to unlock a relic, entering stores to buy cards/relics/potions, or to questions that could be random events that can cause harm or event that can aid you. 

TeamFightTactics is Riot Games auto chess where you face of against 7 other players by building a team and trying to be the last one standing. They incorporate a lot of character from their game League of Legends as characters in TFT, they often change the style of the games and characters with other characters or skins changing how they play and attack.